
Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos for Scion 2E

Created by Onyx Path / Scion Second Edition Team

Two new pathways for Scion Second Edition! Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos

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I'm getting the knack of these previews...
about 4 years ago – Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 11:26:21 PM

Hello Heirs,

As we fly through our final week, it's time for one last Scion: Dragon preview before we share the final manuscript section on Tuesday. Today, we get a sneak peek at a couple of knacks!

Final Week James, counting down the days on my ... tentacles.

Though not a full Dragon, an Heir has access to a great many draconic traits bestowed upon her by her Dragon ancestor. These powers are part of her inheritance as much as any Birthright; even if she rebukes her draconic nature, she cannot deny the power coursing through her veins.

Calling Knacks

Heirs derive their non-magical power from Knacks in the same way Hero Scions do. Their Calling Knacks will be familiar to any player who has picked up and read through Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero. However, Heirs do not divide the powers from their Calling into Heroic and Immortal categories. Instead, Calling Knacks cover any special ability based on their heroic archetype, and they have access to a new kind of Knack, Dragon Knacks, which fuel their draconic form and can be transformed into permanent effects at the cost of their humanity.

Artwork from Scion: Dragon


Destroyer Knacks bestow the power to crush and destroy objects and enemies alike. They are driven by the concepts of destruction and forcefulness.

Armor-Shearing Jaws: Your Natural Tag attacks automatically gain the Piercing Tag and count as 1 Scale greater for the purposes of destroying inanimate objects. If you have Rending Claws transformed, gain +1 Enhancement to attacks made against objects or armored targets.

Devourer of Stone: You are capable of biting through and eating anything inedible: glass, stone, wood, steel, etc. and consuming it as though it had nutritional value. You cannot eat anything you can’t fit into your mouth. This does mean that in full dragon form, you can bite through buildings, armored vehicles, and military-grade equipment. Spend Momentum to be able to consume anything that has been intentionally poisoned.

Enhanced Impact: Whenever you successfully deal Injury with your Knack Skill, you also knock the target back one range band. This does not do any extra damage, but can put someone in a tight spot.

Leeching Strength: You have the power to drain the inherent properties from an object. When you use this Knack, make a Knack Skill roll. The object must be something you can hold in one hand. On any successes, you destroy the object (by crushing, consuming, smashing, etc., at your choice) and absorb the essence of its qualities. These devoured properties persist for the duration of the scene. For example: consuming the power out of a burning torch would give you the Elemental (Fire) damage tag to your attacks or eating a diamond might grant Hard (1) Armor, etc. The Storyguide and the player adjudicate which Tags and properties an item bestows, though it should make sense for the object’s profile.

Terrible Dragon Roar: You attack your foes with a forceful shout, or shatter walls with the power of your voice. Spend Momentum and make an attack using your Knack Skill, if it is higher than Close Combat or Athletics. When used against an enemy, it is an attack with the following Tags: Lethal, Loud, Messy, Piercing, Pushing, Reach. When used against an object with a Scale less than your Destroyer dots, roll Knack Skill. With any successes, it shatters in an instant.

Render of Cities: Prerequisite: Terrible Dragon Roar. You become a whirlwind of destruction, adding your Destroyer rating to force Scale for the purposes of demolition and mass destruction. In a fight, spend Momentum to add the Shockwave tag to all attacks you make until the end of the Turn.

World-Eater: When you destroy something, make a Knack Skill roll. On any successes, you do it so completely that no trace of the thing remains. At five or more successes, you may spend Momentum to erase the thing from the memories of others. This only affects small scale things, unless you also have the ability to perform Destroyer Feats of Scale.

Artwork from Scion: Dragon


Mystic Knacks grant you power to command knowledge of The World and its magic. They are driven by the concepts of understanding and knowledge.

Joyous Revelation: Your draconic nature exults when you succumb to the power of Memory. When you resolve the Revelation Condition and you assume your draconic form, you may choose to gain Enhancement instead of additional dice when you spend Momentum. Enhancement gained this way applies before you roll.

Linked to the Past: Your connection to draconic memory runs deeper than others, allowing you to delve further into the web of connection. You may gain 1 additional Memory Condition, and may invoke one Memory Condition twice per session. A second purchase of this Knack allows you to make a Knack Skill roll — on any successes, one of your broodmates may also invoke one Memory Condition a second time per session.

Omniglot Translation: When you converse in or read a foreign language, your communication is flawless, without a trace of an accent. You can turn out translations in your native language in a matter of minutes without needing to roll. If you are translating mystical runes or the handwriting of Gods, you still do so swiftly, but must make a Knack Skill roll.

Presence of Magic: You always know when you are near an object or place of true magical or sacred power. How this manifests is up to you. Ask the Storyguide if an object is magical or sacred, and she must tell you honestly “yes” or “no.” This bypasses the need to make any kind of Occult roll to identify a place or object of magical or sacred power.

Sage Counsel: When someone approaches you in need of advice, they gain +1 Enhancement to resolve the problem themselves if you work together on a solution. If they can’t solve it, you gain the same bonus to all rolls to resolve the issue by yourself. These bonuses apply before rolls are made. Spend Momentum to impel a Storyguide Character to come to seeking your counsel.

Immortal Mastermind: Prerequisite: Sage Counsel. When you make a plan of action and direct others to follow, it grants them +1 Enhancement to all actions. Anyone who doesn’t follow your plan gains +1 Difficulty to all actions. Bandmates are not under any obligation to follow your every word, but do gain the benefit if they opt to participate. When dealing with an enemy, you are free to create a plan in order to bait your opposition into suffering the Difficulty — just as planned.

Artwork from Scion: Dragon

There we go! A few knacks to look over on a Saturday and get us in the mood for our final manuscript preview release on Tuesday! 

We're in the final week countdown now! Let's keep the momentum from the past few days rolling and finish strong!

Tomorrow, I'll be reviewing our Pledge Tiers, and then on Monday I'll be covering how Add On Rewards work. So, if you've got any process questions, I hope to answer them over these next posts.



Backers Only – Scion: Masks of the Mythos Manuscript Preview #4
about 4 years ago – Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 12:43:45 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 05:08:04 PM

Hey there Squamous Scion Supporters!

We're officially in the FINAL WEEK of the kickstarter campaign. Over this final week I'll be sharing a bunch of instruction and review-type posts about Reward Tiers & Add-Ons, and What Comes Next, so if you've got any process questions or are wondering about how the kickstarter steps work, I'm hoping to clarify any remaining questions before we finish. Of course, if you're still wondering about something, please ask and I'll help as best I can.

I'm James, your Kickstarter Concierge on this project. I don't normally look like this, but I'm right in the middle of Dragon-Mythos excitement!

Final Week Schedule

  • Feb 12 - Scion: Masks of the Mythos Manuscript Preview 4 
  • Feb 14 - Reward Tiers 
  • Feb 15 - Add On Options 
  • Feb 16 - Scion: Dragon Manuscript Preview 5 
  • Feb 17 - Stretch Goal Review 
  • Feb 18 - Checklist and Next Steps 

Two big things in there, in addition to all of my process posts.

On Friday, we'll have our final Scion: Masks of the Mythos manuscript preview. On Tuesday, we'll have the final Scion: Dragon manuscript preview. That means we'll have the ENTIRE draft manuscripts for both books to review prior to the campaign ending on February 18th. 

 Also, I'm really hoping we can maybe hit another Stretch Goal (or two?) before we review our accomplishments on February 17th. A handful of really solid days will get us there, and the final week always bring excitement!

The true impetus behind this post, though, is our big push during this final week! Together, we've done the hard work of this campaign - we've come together to fund the development and production of these books - so now it's time to make sure that we're not missing any potential backers.

Be an Ambassador

I know, this is something I've already said many times (and seem to say during every project!), but for this final week, you are officially a duly-deputized ambassador for this Kickstarter project. It's time to spread the secret of a shared history, or maybe to reveal hidden knowledge! Or something that fits the themes of these books - you get it. Basically, we want to recruit as many interested backers as possible over this final week.

I know I end every update post with "Keep spreading the word! Invite others to join in!" - but what does that mean, and how do you do it?

Easy answer - don't stop talking about Scion: Dragon and Scion: Masks of the Mythos until 2:01 PM EST next Thursday February 18th (when the campaign has ended). Yes, family and friends are tired of me talking about it on our weekly Zoom check-in or grocery drop-off, but we'll have a whole new set of topics to discuss in just one week, and they've learned to tolerate me during a kickstarter campaign (at least during the pandemic). But here's the thing - there are others around who haven't heard or don't know about the campaign.

Scion: Dragon artwork

Resources to Share

If you're inviting new backers, or if you are a new backer (hi new backers!), here are a few key resources to be aware of for this campaign.

Backers are able to review the (soon-to-be) complete manuscripts for these books before the campaign closes and any pledges are processed. No need to wonder about a secret history or open a tome of dark knowledge! Know what you're getting into by checking these books out!

And, if you join now, as I've noted, we'll be posting the final chapters of each book over the next week before we reach the finish line.

Podcasts Interviews & Discussions

The Scion Second Edition creative team have been connecting digitally to spread the word about these projects! For more information on the thinking behind the creation of these books, plus some hints about things still to come, check these out:

Actual Plays

The Vorpal Tales team had a few sessions (and a Character Creation session) of Masks of the Mythos! Check out the playlist for those here: Vorpal Tales' Mask of the Mythos

Scion: Masks of the Mythos artwork

Scion Discussion

You may also be able to get further insight and possibly some in-depth conversation at these Onyx Path discussion zones:

Share the Links!

1) Don't forget to share a link to the kickstarter in any discussion you have (where appropriate) - and feel free to pass any of the long list of links above to those who may need more info (or, just point them to this post!)

2) Don't forget to tell us about any post or review or discussion you write! Come to the comments section and let us know so we can all go and contribute! I know I keep saying it, but really - these last days are key. Keep the enthusiasm high (hitting stretch goals certainly makes that easier!) and keep on inviting others to join in, either directly ("Come see...") or just by setting an example of your enthusiasm and interest.

Final Week

We've got one week to go, everyone! Thank you all so much for your support! Together, we're going to help make this game even more interesting by exploring these new paths and options. Let's finish strong! And let's see if we can't get those one or two more Stretch Goals before we review next Wednesday!




Colour Out of Deep Shoggoths...
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 09:21:39 PM

Squamous Salutations!

Are you ready for some weirdness on a Wednesday? Today we're going to look at some of the inhabitants from the unseen corners of the Mythos-tinged World.

This will be our final sneak peek at the manuscript, because on Friday we'll be revealing the final section for backers. At that point, all backers will be able to read the complete manuscript before the campaign concludes! So join in on the fun if you haven't already!

Also, as a Canadian who switches up my spelling for these updates, I'm happy to see this preview contains the "U" in colour! A special day! 

Colour Out of Space

The Colour Out of Space is undeniably one of the most alien of all Mythos antagonists. They’ve touched down on Earth many times but only a single encounter was ever recorded. This incident occurred in rural reaches west of Arkham, MA around the 1920s, in an area that now comprises Arkham Reservoir. The Colour crashed down on Earth via a meteor, landing near the well of an isolated farmstead. Slowly, over the course of a year, the aftermath saw the mutation and eventual death of the people, livestock, and crops that occupied the farm. It also caused the deterioration of all structures and the land itself into what locals called the “blasted heath,” illuminated at night by a silvery glow that marked the extent of the Colour’s influence.

In the first few hours after arrival, the Colour appears as a cluster of small globules of an unidentified hue and material. The globules and the stone vessel in which they arrive diminish in size and disappear into the atmosphere and surrounding soil. The absorption of this material gives the appearance of robustness to fruits and vegetables grown in nearby soil, but this appearance is merely an illusion of health. The produce tastes like ash and provides no sustenance. People and animals in proximity to the contamination deteriorate physically and mentally until they simply turn to ash and die. Contemporaneous accounts regarding the Arkham incident indicate the family said they knew they should move away but just couldn’t bring themselves to leave.

The Colour does not attack like other antagonists; instead it is a contamination that corrupts any living thing around it, drawing energy from other lifeforms until it reaches enough size and strength to travel back to space and continue its journey. It leaves a remnant behind — perhaps offspring — that continues to siphon life from the surrounding area, slowly expanding the region of corruption. Combat against the Colour is fruitless. It may be possible to contain it for the few hours or days it remains in the stone module it used to travel to Earth. The best strategy for battling the Colour is to contain it early and return it to space as fast as possible.

  • Archetype: Titanspawn
  • Qualities: Flight, Institutional Disbelief, Toxic, Miasmic Presence
  • Flairs: Beyond Description, Penetrator, Plague Touch
  • Drive: Feed me
  • Primary Pool: (13): Miasmic Presence, Survival, Siphon Life
  • Secondary Pool:(11): Flight
  • Desperation Pool: 7
  • Health: 10
  • Defense: 4
  • Initiative: 10
  • Extras: Apocalyptic Presence

Deep Ones

Deep Ones are creatures of the sea, appearing like human-sized frogs with articulated hands and feet, more like a person, but with gills and fins like a fish. They are immortal in the sense that they won’t die naturally of old age. They have few predators and tend to live in large, underwater communities that afford them safety from attack.

Deep Ones are capable of living either on land or in the sea but prefer to live underwater for safety and because they have more freedom there. Most are loyal to and worship Cthulhu, Father Dagon, and Mother Hydra. It’s not uncommon for them to pray to the entirety of the Mythos pantheon. Their agelessness and continued growth over the centuries have led to numerous deep ones becoming subaqueous ones, who are stronger and larger. For every century a deep one survives it grows a few inches taller and one of its pools or abilities increases by 1 point.

Deep Ones have a relationship with shoggoth, and when living on land tend to bring them into their communities and keep them for strange rituals and the hopes to prepare the way for the rise of Cthulhu or other Gods.

Deep Ones are hostile towards people, and attack if they feel threatened or hungry. Sometimes, they are a source of information or assistance for Scions, but always at a cost.

  • Archetype: Rival
  • Qualities: Natural Weapon, Regeneration, Swarm
  • Flairs: Here I Come (in the water only), I Have Friends, Suffocate
  • Drive: Eat and worship.
  • Primary Pool: 9 (Grappling, Swimming)
  • Secondary Pool: 7 (Socializing)
  • Desperation Pool: 5
  • Health: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Initiative: 6
  • Extras: +2 Enhancement to Stunts other than Inflict Damage.


These beings are roiling masses of protoplasm and they can reshape themselves into many forms. While they can resemble other creatures, they lack the ability to form fine details and never look quite like the creature they try to mimic. Shoggoths were created by the Elder Things using their vast knowledge of science and cellular material from defeated foes. They were intended to be servitors, used to do the heavy lifting needed to build Elder Thing cities.

After millions of years in servitude to the Elder Things, the shoggoths rebelled, killing their masters and driving them into small enclaves of safety. The Elder Things fear the shoggoths, who take great delight in killing them by ripping off their heads. Millions of years later, shoggoths exist in small numbers in isolated places that were Elder Thing cities. They also serve as guardians to those who know how to trap them into servitude, but a master who loses control of this guardian comes to regret it.

Those who have survived a shoggoth encounter say the first indication is a roaring sound akin to a train followed by something that looks like dark, billowing clouds and rage personified. These creatures never stop to parlay or take stock of the situation; shoggoths charge into the fight and destroy anyone and anything in the way. In combat, they attack using appendages that spring from the mass of their body to seize and smash, punch or crush their opponents. They may also maneuver to slam down on top of an enemy or even try to envelop them within their own body mass, perhaps suffocating the target or even absorbing them into the shoggoth.

Skilled shoggoths have learned to disguise themselves by appearing as a group of separate objects or creatures. For example, a shoggoth may appear as a copse of trees. thinning out portions of its body to form the grass between them. In this way they can make surprise attacks against unwary opponents. Careful observers may notice that something is amiss, since shoggoths have difficulty mastering these alternate forms and lack fine detail.

  • Archetype: Titanspawn
  • Qualities: Unstoppable, Regeneration, Natural Weapon, Stand Tall, Sure Footed, Institutional Disbelief
  • Flairs: Beyond Description, Making Space, Second Wind, Spray and Pray, Under Pressure
  • Drive: We shall be free!
  • Primary Pool: 13 (Combat, Feats of Strength, Close-Quarters Combat)
  • Secondary Pool: 11 (Endurance, Survival)
  • Desperation Pool: 7
  • Health: 10
  • Defense: 4
  • Initiative: 10
  • Segments: 3
  • Size: 3
  • Extras: Apocalyptic Presence, Decapitation

Tomorrow, we'll begin our final week of the campaign. On Friday, as mentioned, we'll have our final manuscript preview for Scion: Masks of the Mythos available for all backers to download, review, and help make even better by providing feedback. 

So, let's see what we can't get up to over this final week! And let's get ready to start our race to the finish!



Backers Only – Scion: Dragon Manuscript Preview #4
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 04:31:36 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.